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  • Legal service

    Could foreigners get their names on the “Red Book” in Vietnam?

    The development of Vietnam over the past 30 years is remarkable. Economic and political reforms since 1986 have promoted economic development. Significantly, the number of foreigners in Vietnam is increasing day by day; leading to a sharp increase in their demand for housing. Could foreigners get their names on the “Red Book” in Vietnam? Let us find out with LSX Law firm through the article about this article below.  Legal grounds Land Law 2013 Housing…

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  • Legal service

    Joint-stock company in Vietnam: What are the pros and cons?

    Joint-stock company in Vietnam: What are the pros and cons, and should you set up one? Let take a look and see if this type of company fits your goal. Legal grounds 2020 Enterprise Law What is a Join-stock Company? A joint-stock company is an enterprise in which the charter capital is divided into equal parts called shares; hence the regulation of Enterprise Law 2020. The company has a minimum number of shareholders of 3…

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  • Legal serviceProcedure for establishing a representative office of a foreign company

    Procedures for representative office or branch establishment licenses

    The State has always paid attention and created favorable conditions to promote domestic cooperation with foreign traders by many measures. Including legal provisions on administrative procedures so that foreign traders can have commercial activities in Vietnam. Many foreign traders are interested in procedures for representative office, branch establishment licenses. In fact, many people wonder, what is a branch? Or what is a representative office? And how can we get establishment licenses? Therefore, LSX Law firm…

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  • Legal service

    How to get a Work permit for foreigners in Vietnam?

    Open door policy with the international economy, it is not difficult to encounter foreign laborers working in Vietnam. However, in order to work legally, foreigners must have a work permit. So what is a work permit? What is the procedure for applying for a work permit for foreigners? The following article of LSX Law firm will answer your questions. Legal grounds Labor Code 2019 Decree No. 28/2020/NĐ-CP Decree No. 152/2020/ND-CP What is a work permit?…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Cases in which restoration of Vietnamese nationality

    “Hello LSX Lawfirm, I am Vietnamese but I have lived abroad since I was a kid. Of course; I have Vietnamese nationality but I lost it. Now, I want to return to Vietnam to visit relatives. I am very confused because I want to become a citizen of Vietnam. Can you help me?”LSX Lawfirm will help you answer this question according to the following article: “Cases in which restoration of Vietnamese nationality” as follows: Legal…

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  • Legal knowledge

    How to apply for Vietnamese nationality with stateless persons

    In the globalization process, Vietnam policies open to all persons around the world who would like to naturalize Vietnamese. How to apply for Vietnamese nationality with stateless persons, LSX Lawfirm will help you answer the question according to this following article: Legal grounds Law on Vietnamese nationality 2008 What does “stateless persons” mean? Stateless is the legal status of a stateless individual of any country. What is the reason for one person do not have…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Apply for extension of Labor Visa for foreigners in Vietnam

    Visa extension for foreigners working in Vietnam – Visa extension for foreign workers with work permit or work permit exemption confirmation, etc. These are the issues that always receive the attention of foreigners when they come to Vietnam. LSX Lawfirm will help you answer according to article: “Apply for extension of Labor Visa for foreigners in Vietnam”. Legal grounds – Law on entry, exit, transit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam 2014 – Circular No.…

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  • Legal knowledge

    How are assets valued according to regulations?

    Capital contribution is the contribution of assets to form the charter capital of the company to become the owner or common owners. How are assets valued according to regulations? Let’s inquire into this issue with LSX Lawfirm ! Legal grounds Enterprise Law 2020 Cases that need valuation of contributed assets Individuals and organizations can contribute capital to enterprises with assets such as: Vietnam Dong, freely convertible foreign currency, gold; value of land use rights, value…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Can foreign investors contribute capital in cash?

    Businesses often raise capital by receiving capital contributions from foreign investors. In particular, how to contribute capital is one of the issues that foreign investors need to pay attention to in the investment process. Can foreign investors contribute capital in cash? LSX Law firm will provide all regulations and information about this issue Legal grounds Investment Law 2020 Enterprise Law 2020 Circular 06/2019/TT-NHNN Correct understanding of capital contribution to the company Accordingly Enterprise Law 2020…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Order of and procedures for application for Vietnamese nationality

    “I’m from USA and my husband is a Vietnamese. My daughter has US nationality. Now, she is 12 years old and frequently goes to Vietnam to visit her relatives. I want to know the Order of and procedures for application for Vietnamese nationality if my daughter has Vietnam nationality. Thank you!”LSX Lawfirm will help you answer this question according to this article: “Order of and procedures for application for Vietnamese nationality”. Legal grounds Law on…

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