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  • Legal serviceDo aquatic hatcheries in Vietnam have to have a wastewater system?

    Do aquatic hatcheries in Vietnam have to have a wastewater system?

    “Hello, Lawyer. I plan to set up a fishery seed production facility in the near future, currently in the process of preparing for construction, but I am wondering whether to invest in a wastewater system or not because This system is quite expensive. So can the lawyer help me answer the question whether the aquaculture hatchery has a sewage system or not?. Please answer for me.”. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Lawyer.…

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  • Legal serviceMeasures to improve insurance enterprises as per Vietnamese law

    Measures to improve insurance enterprises as per Vietnamese law

    Hello lawyer. I am currently looking to set up a business to do insurance business. What conditions do I need to meet to set up an insurance business? Rights and obligations of insurance enterprises? When falling into a difficult situation need to apply improvement measures? So, how are the insurance enterprises’ improvement measures regulated? I hope a lawyer can help me. The insurance business is a conditional business. Business people who want to establish an…

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  • Buy and sell apartments needs notarization of contracts in Vietnam

    Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Buy and sell apartments needs notarization of contracts in Vietnam“, as follows: Legal grounds Housing Law 2014 Decree 02/2022/ND-CP Buy and sell apartments needs notarization of contracts in Vietnam According to the provisions of Article 122 of the Law on Housing 2014, commercial housing purchase and sale including apartment buildings must be notarized or authenticated, except for the following cases: – Buying and selling state-owned houses.…

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  • Legal serviceConditions for operating insurance agents in Vietnam

    Conditions for operating insurance agents in Vietnam

    Do you intend to do business as an insurance agent but do not know how the conditions for operating an insurance agent are regulated in accordance with the laws of Vietnam? What rights and obligations does an insurance agent have? What behavior is prohibited for insurance agents? What is the operating principle of an insurance agent? In the article below, Lawyer X will help you answer questions about this issue, please read along for reference.…

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  • Legal serviceOrder letter for enlistment in the army under Vietnam law

    Order letter for enlistment in the army under Vietnam law

    Military service is one of the mandatory obligations that citizens have to perform to the country. So at what age do citizens get a call to enlist? So about the matter “Order letter for enlistment in the army under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Law on Military Service 2015 Order letter for enlistment in the army under Vietnam law According to the provisions of the 2015 Law…

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  • Legal serviceIs a doctor a civil servant or an official in Vietnam

    Is a doctor a civil servant or an official in Vietnam?

    Nowadays, many people want to enter medical and pharmacy schools. But they do not know how they will enjoy the benefits after graduating from school to become a doctor. So about the matter “Is a doctor a civil servant or an official in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Law on Cadres and Civil Service 2008Law on Public Employees 2010 What is civil servant? According to Clause 2, Article…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on state civil servants in Vietnam

    Regulations on state civil servants in Vietnam

    Nowadays, many graduates want to work in government agencies. But the necessary condition to work in those places is to pass the civil service exam. So about the matter “Regulations on state civil servants in Vietnam” and as well as knowing some questions about this question, please refer to our article below as follows: Legal grounds Law on Cadres and Civil Service 2008 What is a state civil servant? According to Clause 2, Article 4…

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  • Legal serviceReview of the payroll of the police service in Vietnam

    Review of the payroll of the police service in Vietnam

    Nowadays, a lot of people want to enroll in police and military schools. However, a lot of people don’t know how to get into these schools. So about the matter “Review of the payroll of the police service in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Decree 129/2015/ND-CPDecree 70/2019/ND-CP Regulations of the law on staffing What is payroll? Payroll is the number of people working in long-term and unlimited service…

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  • Legal serviceReview of police professional duties in Vietnam

    Review of police professional duties in Vietnam

    Nowadays, many people want to apply for admission to police and army schools. However, not everyone knows about their rights and responsibilities when participating in this environment. So about the matter “Review of police professional duties in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Decree 129/2015/ND-CPLaw on Military Service 2015Law on People’s Public Security 2018 What is police duty? The police‘s duty is to protect the Fatherland, this obligation is…

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  • Legal serviceDispute between land plot in Vietnam

    Dispute between land plot in Vietnam

    Resolving land parcel boundary disputes is an extremely difficult and complicated process and takes a long time. Disputes between adjacent land plots are very common in daily life. So about the matter “Dispute between land plot in Vietnam” Let’s find out in the article below. Legal grounds Civil Code 2015Land Law 2013 Principles of determining boundaries between land parcels According to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 175 of the 2015 Civil Code: The boundary…

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