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Review of the payroll of the police service in Vietnam

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Nowadays, a lot of people want to enroll in police and military schools. However, a lot of people don’t know how to get into these schools. So about the matter “Review of the payroll of the police service in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below.

  • Decree 129/2015/ND-CP
  • Decree 70/2019/ND-CP
  • Regulations of the law on staffing

What is payroll?

Payroll is the number of people working in long-term and unlimited service positions in public non-business agencies and units of the State. The payroll is entitled to allowances and salary regimes, approved by competent authorities or decided by the unit under the guidance of the State.

If not falling into the case of downsizing or not voluntarily resigning, the payroll will guarantee the working position until retirement.

Payroll is used with the following objects:

• Staff payroll

• Public Payroll

• People working in public non-business units

• Contract workers are assigned by competent authorities in accordance with the law.

Features of payroll

Nature of work: a long-term position, approved by the People’s Councils at all levels or the Government or the National Assembly in resolutions on planning titles in the state apparatus.

The employer is always the State.

Remuneration and other allowances from the State budget: salary, benefits and remuneration, other allowances from the State budget.

Police duty

Conditions for admission to police service

According to Article 5 of Decree 129/2015/ND-CP, citizens are selected to perform the obligation to join the People’s Police when fully meeting the following criteria:

• Have a clear background.

• Strictly abide by the Party’s guidelines and guidelines, and the State’s policies and laws; no criminal record, no criminal prosecution, probation, not during the period of being applied the measure of education in communes, wards, townships or sent to medical treatment establishments, educational institutions Obligatory; having good qualities, ethics and conduct, being trusted by the masses of the people in the place of residence or place of study or work.

• Ensure political standards of officers and soldiers of the People’s Public Security in accordance with regulations of the Minister of Public Security.

• High School Graduation. Communes in mountainous areas, islands, ethnic minority areas and areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions may recruit citizens who have graduated from lower secondary schools. Priority is given to selecting citizens who have graduated from colleges, universities or higher, with necessary expertise for the work and combat of the People’s Public Security.

• The body is balanced, not deformed, deformed and meets the health standards to fulfill the obligation to join the People’s Police according to the regulations of the Minister of Public Security.

Dossier for selection of police service

Citizens participating in the selection and performing the obligation to join the People’s Police shall submit the following documents to the commune-level police station where the citizen has permanent residence:

• A declaration of registration of performance of the obligation to join the People’s Police, made according to the form in the Appendix issued with this Decree, certified by the People’s Committee of the commune, ward or township (hereinafter referred to as the People’s Committee of the commune level) the place of residence or of the agency or organization where that person is working or studying.

• Certificate of military service registration.

Review of the payroll of the police service in Vietnam

Objects to consider the payroll of the police branch

The subjects for consideration of staffing of the police force are:

• Police service soldier

• Citizens who fulfill their obligations to join the People’s Police have a decision to discharge within 12 months from the month of recruitment

• Students of cultural school

• Citizens permanently residing in the locality where prequalification is registered.

For male citizens:

o In the age of enlistment

o Registered for military service

For female citizens:

o Voluntarily performing the obligation to join the people’s police

o Being of the legal enlistment age

o Registered for military service as prescribed

o Having professional qualifications suitable to the requirements of the People’s Police

o The People’s Public Security Forces needs to be recruited.

Conditions to apply for payroll examination

+ Satisfying political and ethical standards according to current regulations of the Ministry of Public Security.

+ Army soldiers who have worked for 15 months or more up to the month of the recruitment exam; categorize officials with the level of “Complete tasks” or higher in the year preceding the year of recruitment.

+ Citizens who fulfill their obligations to join the People’s Public Security Forces during their military service will achieve the level of “Complete tasks” or higher every year, of which at least 1 year will achieve the level of “Complete tasks well”.

+ In the years of high school or equivalent, achieving good academic performance or higher. In there:

Soldiers of the Public Security Service, citizens who have completed their obligations to join the People’s Police, students of the Cultural School of each subject in the selection group for admission to the People’s Public Security School with scores of 6.5 or higher.

Being healthy enough to be recruited into the People’s Police in accordance with health standards.

Switch to professional service mode

According to the provisions of Article 9 of Decree 70/2019/ND-CP, the subjects participating in the police service will change to the professional service mode as follows:

+ Non-commissioned officers and conscripts who have served in the army from 15 months to less than 24 months (up to the time of taking the exam), annual classification results of completing tasks or more, ensuring the following criteria: standards and conditions for serving according to the professional regime in the People’s Public Security, shall be considered and admitted to the People’s Public Security academies and schools according to the regulations on enrollment of the People’s Public Security Forces, rank of officer, professional non-commissioned officer.

+ Non-commissioned officers and conscripts who do not fall into the cases specified in Clause 1 of this Article, upon the expiration of their active service period, fully meet the requirements for use by the People’s Public Security, if voluntarily and the Public Security People who have demand will be considered to switch to professional service mode. Standards and rates of conversion to professional service for non-commissioned officers who have expired active duty shall comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Public Security. The recruitment examination must ensure openness, democracy, transparency and fairness to all subjects.

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Frequently asked questions

The following cases will be exempt from police service?

Children of martyrs, children of first-class wounded soldiers;
– A brother or a younger brother of the martyr.
A child of a second-class wounded soldier; one child of a sick soldier with a working capacity decrease of 81% or more; a child of a person infected with Agent Orange has a decrease in working capacity of 81% or more.
Persons doing cipher work are not soldiers or People’s Public Security.
Cadres, civil servants, public employees and youth volunteers may be assigned to work or work in areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions as prescribed by law for 24 months or more.

What regimes and policies do participating in the police service enjoy?

According to Article 8 of Decree 70/2019/ND-CP, the regimes and policies to enjoy are:
During the medical examination at the order of the district-level police chief, citizens participating in the selection and performing the obligation to join the People’s Police are entitled to the regimes and policies prescribed for citizens in the district. time to perform medical examination and examination for military service.
During the time of active service and upon discharge from the army, non-commissioned officers and conscripts are entitled to the regimes and policies prescribed for non-commissioned officers and soldiers serving in the people’s armed forces as prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article. Article 50 of the 2015 Law on Military Service and documents detailing the implementation.

What is the principle of selecting subjects to join the police service?

According to Article 3 of Decree 70/2019/ND-CP, those principles are:
To strictly comply with the Party’s guidelines and guidelines, the State’s policies and laws, and the process and regulations in the selection of citizens to perform the obligation to join the People’s Police.
Recruiting in sufficient quantity, ensuring quality, taking standards from high to low; implement democracy, fairness, publicity, safety and thrift; the right subjects, standards and time as prescribed by law.
Promote the responsibility of all relevant organizations and individuals to improve the quality of the selection work.
Prioritize the selection and call to perform the obligations of citizens who have graduated from colleges, universities or higher, have skills or expertise necessary for the work and combat of the People’s Public Security.

Conclusion: So the above is Review of the payroll of the police service in Vietnam. Hopefully with this article can help you in life, please always follow and read our good articles on the website:

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