Block Title

  • Legal knowledgeRights and obligations of households, individuals using land in Vietnam

    Rights and obligations of households, individuals using land in Vietnam

    Households, individuals are popular types of land users in Vietnam. Let’s find out about this issue with lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are rights and obligations of households and individuals using land in Vietnam? What are rights and obligations of households and individuals changing land use purpose? Thanks for answering me questions!” Legal grounds 2013 Vietnam Land law Rights and obligations of households and individuals using land…

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  • Legal knowledgeRights and obligations of organizations using land in Vietnam

    Rights and obligations of organizations using land in Vietnam

    The organization is an important type of land users in Vietnam. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are rights and obligations of organizations using land in Vietnam? Thanks for answering my question” Legal grounds 2013 Vietnam Land law Rights and obligations of organizations that are allocated land without land use levy by the State – Organizations to which the land is allocated…

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  • Legal serviceContract for garment processing in Vietnam

    Contract for garment processing in Vietnam

    Garment processing contract is a contract in which the parties can agree specifically or in advance about the trend of cooperation, how to process the products here are clothes, uniforms, … In the article In this case, Lawyer X will advise on garment processing contracts in Vietnam for readers to refer to. Legal grounds Civil Code 2015 Commercial Law 2005 What is a garment processing contract? Article 542 of the 2015 Civil Code provides: Processing…

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  • Legal knowledgeGrant of the certificate of land use rights under Vietnam law

    Grant of the certificate of land use rights under Vietnam law

    The certificate of land use rights is an important legal document. Vietnam land law has regulations on grant of the certificate of land use rights. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X using the following scenario: “Dear Lawyer! What are certificates of land use rights and ownership of houses and other land-attached assets in Vietnam? What are the principles of grant of the certificate? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds 2013 Vietnam land law…

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  • Legal serviceBringing liquids on board international flights in Vietnam

    Bringing liquids on board international flights in Vietnam

    Today, the number of passengers using airplanes as a means of transportation is constantly increasing. But not all know the regulations on liquids brought on board. So about the matter “Bringing liquids on board international flights in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Circular 13/2019/TT-BGTVT What is the maximum amount of liquids allowed on an international plane? Pursuant to Article 71 of Circular 13/2019/TT-BGTVT, regulations on bringing liquids on…

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  • Legal serviceBrick purchase and sale contract in Vietnam

    Brick purchase and sale contract in Vietnam

    Brick purchase and sale contract is a civil transaction contract, which is an agreement between the parties in the contract to exercise the rights and obligations of the parties in the purchase and sale of construction materials. So what is a brick sale and purchase contract under current law? We – Lawyer X will send you a new brick sale and purchase contract form in 2022 for your reference. Legal grounds Civil Code 2015Commercial Law…

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  • Legal serviceConditions for issuance of bidding documents in Vietnam

    Conditions for issuance of bidding documents in Vietnam

    LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Conditions for issuance of bidding documents in Vietnam“, as follows: Legal grounds Law on Bidding 2013 Conditions for issuance of bidding documents in Vietnam – Bidding dossiers and dossiers of requirements of a bidding package may only be released for contractor selection when the following conditions are fully satisfied: + The approved contractor selection plan; + The approved bidding dossier and request for proposals include the required…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on housing repair under Vietnam law

    Regulations on housing repair under Vietnam law

    Today, the real estate market is an issue that many people are interested in. Everyone wants to have their own home. So about the matter “Regulations on housing repair under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Construction Law 2014Decree No. 15/2021/ND-CP When does housing repair or renovation need a permit? According to Clause 2, Article 89 of the Law on Construction 2014, when repairing and renovating houses, there…

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  • Legal servicePenalties when the company does not sign a labor contract in Vietnam

    Penalties when the company does not sign a labor contract in Vietnam

    Hello Lawyer X. I have a question as follows, I hope to be answered by a lawyer, I have been working at a private company for 8 months but the company has not signed an employment contract with me. Is this behavior of the company illegal? If yes, what is the penalty when the company does not sign a labor contract with the employee? Besides, is the salary specified in the labor contract? Looking forward…

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  • Legal serviceHow to deal with encroached land in Vietnam

    How to deal with encroached land in Vietnam?

    Today, the land market is becoming more important than ever. Everyone wants to have their own piece of land. So about the matter “How to deal with encroached land in Vietnam?” let’s find with LSX in the article below Legal grounds Land Law 2013 Civil Code 2015Circular 25/2014/TT-BTNMT What is the boundary of a land plot? The boundary of a land plot is a curving line created by the adjacent plot edges, enclosing the area belonging…

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