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Procedures for applying for an e-commerce floor license in Vietnam

You are interested in Procedures for applying for an e-commerce floor license in Vietnam so let's go check out the following article!

With the strong development of information technology, the birth of business models of e-commerce transaction rooms has attracted the attention of many people because of its benefits. The E-commerce trading floor does not only means a place to exchange goods, and connect buyers and sellers, but also a world to display and introduce products as well as brands of organizations, companies, and businesses to make it easier for consumers to access. Besides, it also provides a place to post useful classified information, make quick online transactions, auctions, offers, design cooperation, and many other useful functions. In this article, LSX legal firm will give you a guideline on: “Procedures for applying for an e-commerce floor license in Vietnam”

  • Circular 47/2014/TT-BCT
  • Circular 21/2018/TT-BCT
  • Decree 98/2020/ND-CP

The E-commerce platform

According to the provisions of Clause 9, Article 3 of Decree No. 52/2013/ND-CP, an E-commerce trading floor means an e-commerce website permitting traders, organizations, and individuals (not the website owner) to conduct part or the whole of the process of buying and selling goods or services on that website.
That means, on the same website, users can conduct online exchanges and trade to achieve their own desires, connecting consumers with businesses, individuals, and organizations.

Conditions to register for an e-commerce platform license

  • Firstly, enterprises established in accordance with the law have a business registration certificate.
  • Secondly, have a website owned by the business.
  • Thirdly, having a service provision scheme.
  • Fourthly, registered to set up a website providing e-commerce services and registered by the Ministry of Industry and Trade with the registration symbol.

Dossier for registration of an e-commerce platform

Dossier for registration of an e-commerce platform:

  • Application for registration of a website providing e-commerce services;
  • Certified copy of the Establishment Decision (for organizations); Certificate of Business Registration, or Investment Certificate (for traders).
  • Thirdly, the service provision scheme clearly states the following contents:
  1. Firstly, operational organization model, including service provision, promotion, and marketing activities both inside and outside the online environment;
  2. Secondly, structure, features, and main information items on the website providing the service;
  3. Thirdly, delimitation of rights and responsibilities between traders and organizations providing e-commerce services and service users.
  4. Fourthly, regulations on operation management of websites providing e-commerce services include the following contents: Contents specified in Article 38 of Decree No. 52/2013/ND-CP; Handling mechanism and time limit for handling when receiving reports on illegal business acts on websites providing e-commerce services.
  5. Also, a sample service contract or cooperation agreement between a trader or organization owning an e-commerce service provision website and a trader, organization, or individual participating in the purchase and sale of goods and provision of services on that website.
  6. Lastly, general trading conditions apply to the purchase and sale of goods and provision of services on the website (if any).

Procedures for applying for an e-commerce floor license

The receipt and processing of the application for registration of an e-commerce service provision website are carried out by the Ministry of Industry and Trade online at the e-commerce management portal at

Step 1: Sign up for an account

Enterprises register for an account to log in to the system by providing the following information:

  • Company’s name;
  • Business registration number of the enterprise;
  • Line of business/operation;
  • Address of the head office of the enterprise;
  • Contact information.

Step 2: Get the registered account

Within 3 working days, enterprises receive results from the Ministry of Industry and Trade via the registered email address on one of the following contents:

  • If the account registration information is complete, the enterprise is granted an account to log in to the system and proceed to Step 3;
  • If account registration is denied or additional information is required; then the enterprise must re-register or supplement information as required.

Step 3: Login and register on the website

After registering an account to log in to the system, the enterprise logs in, selects the function of Registering an e-commerce service provider website, declares information according to the form, and attaches the registration file.

Step 4: Get the result from the Ministry of Industry and Trade

Within 7 working days, enterprises receive feedback from the Ministry of Industry and Trade via the registered email address on one of the following contents:

  • Confirm the complete and valid registration dossier and request the enterprise to continue with Step 5;
  • Notify invalid registration documents or request additional information. The enterprise then returns to Step 3 to re-declare or supplement information and records as required.

Step 5: Submit the complete application

After receiving the notification confirming that the application complete and valid; the enterprise shall send to the Ministry of Industry and Trade (the Department of E-Commerce and Information Technology) a complete registration dossier (paper copy).
Enterprises have responsibility for monitoring the processing status of the application via email or the registered account to update and correct information as required.
Within 30 working days from the date of receipt of the notice requesting additional information in Step 4; if the enterprise has no response; the system will terminate the registration application and the enterprise must proceed with the registration process again.
Thus, the time limit to register to set up a valid e-commerce service provision website is 10 working days.

LSX legal firm provides legal services to clients in various legal areas. To make your case convenient, LSX will perform:

  • Legal advice related to new regulations in business suspension;
  • Representing in drafting and editing documents;
  • We commit the papers to be valid, and legal for use in all cases;
  • Represent to submit documents, receive results, and hand them over to customers.

With a team of experienced, reputable, and professional consultants; The firm is always ready to support and work with clients to solve legal difficulties.

Furthermore, using our service, you do not need to do the paperwork yourself; We guarantee to help you prepare documents effectively and legally.

Also, you will not have to waste time preparing the application, submitting application, or receiving results. At those stages, we will help you do it smoothly.

After all, LSX provides the service with the desire that customers can experience it the best way. Additionally, we guarantee the cost to be the most suitable and economical for customers.

What is E-commerce activity?

E-commerce activity means conducting part or the whole of the process of commercial activity by electronic means connected to the Internet, mobile telecommunications network or other open networks.

Violations of information on e-commerce websites?

a/ Falsifying registration information or failing to comply with the regulations on the form and mode of disclosing registration information on e-commerce websites;
b/ Using the logos of credit rating programs of e-commerce websites when having not been recognized by these programs;
c/ Using links, logos or other technologies on e-commerce websites to cause confusion about the relationship with other traders, organizations or individuals;
d/ Using links to provide conflicting or misleading information compared with the information disclosed in the area where the website is connected with this link.

Violations of transaction on e-commerce websites?

a/ Performing acts of deceiving consumers on e-commerce websites;
b/ Falsifying information of traders, organizations or individuals in order to participate in e-commerce activities;
c/ Intervening in the operation system and Internet browser in electronic equipment accessible to websites in order to force customers to stay on the websites against their will.

Contact LSX

Finally, hope this article is useful for you to answer the question about “Procedures for applying for an e-commerce floor license in Vietnam?”. If you need any further information, please contact  LSX Law firm+84846175333 or Email: [email protected]

Conclusion: So the above is Procedures for applying for an e-commerce floor license in Vietnam. Hopefully with this article can help you in life, please always follow and read our good articles on the website:

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