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Procedures to establish scrap company in Vietnam

You are interested in Procedures to establish scrap company in Vietnam so let's go check out the following article!

The procedure of establishing a scrap trading company is now increasingly interested because the establishment of a company is influenced by industrial development. Organizations and individuals want to establish this type of business but do not know the regulations and procedures to establish a scrap company. So, in this article LSX legal firm would like to inform you: “Procedures to establish scrap company in Vietnam”

  • Law on Environmental Protection 2014
  • Decree 18/2015/ND-CP
  • Law on Enterprise 2020
  • Decree 01/2021/ND-CP

Scrap business

Scrap business is a business activity that can have adverse effects on the environment. However, this business activity not required to make an environmental impact assessment report according to the regulations. So, according to the provisions of the Law on Environmental Protection, this project will have to make an environmental protection plan.
“Article 29. Objects that require the formulation of an environmental protection plan

  1. Investment projects that are not identified as objects that require the environmental impact assessment.
  2. Alternatives for the production, trading, and services that are not identified as objects that require the formulation of investment projects in accordance with the law on investment.
  3. Details of this Article shall be regulated by the Government.”

Accordingly, specialized agencies take responsibility for certifying the environmental protection plan specified in Article 19 of Decree 18/2015.
Also, business establishments that purchase high-priced scrap must meet basic conditions when making business registration.
Besides, under the Law on Environmental Protection 2014, scrap businesses can only operate when meeting the conditions for the certificate of scrap collection.

Procedures to establish a scrap company

Step 1: Prepare dossiers

  • The application form submits to the business registration office requesting the certificate to establish a scrap company.
  • Draft of company charter.
  • List of founders as well as members.
  • Authenticated legal papers of members.
  • Valid identification papers of the authorized representative and the legal representative.
  • Legal capital confirmation document.
  • Certificate of business registration (for organizations).
  • Investment registration certificate for foreign investors.

Step 2: Submit dossiers

Submit the application at the Business Registration Office of the Department of Planning and Investment at the province level where you plan to locate the head office of your Company.

Currently, there are two forms to submit an application:

  • Register directly: apply at the “one-stop” department of the Business Registration Office. However, in Hanoi, this method is no longer applied.
  • Besides, online business registration: submit your application on the National Business Registration Portal (Address: After the online application is valid, you will have to go directly to the “one-stop” department to return the scanned copy (hard copy) when submitting it online. However, this method is relatively complicated, requiring you to have skills and knowledge about registering a business account.

Once you have submitted your application, you will receive a receipt for your application. Then, usual processing time for applications will be 3 working days.

Step 3: Receive result

According to the schedule on the appointment, you return to the “one-stop” department of the Business Registration Office to receive the results. There are two possible scenarios:

  • Dossiers valid: You will receive a Certificate of Business Registration as a result and a notification to the tax authorities.
  • In contrast, dossiers invalid: The Business Registration Office will have a document instructing you to amend the dossiers in accordance with the provisions of the law. After the amendments and supplements to your application according to this guide, then resubmit your application as in Step 2.

Step 4: Post-establishment procedures.

Receiving a Business Registration Certificate is just the first step in putting your company into operation. After that, you have to do the following series of procedures:

  • Notice the use of the company’s seal sample.
  • Bank account notice (if your company registers a bank account).
  • Tax procedures such as license declaration and payment of license fees, Tax on corporate headquarters inspection,…
  • Trademark protection (if you need it).

After all, your Company can go into operation.

When establishing a company, people must carry out the procedure following the law at the competent business registration authority (under the Law on Enterprise 2020). The process of establishing a business includes many different steps and phases. If you are not familiar with the law, this process may take a lot of time.
With a team of experienced, reputable, and professional consultants; The firm is always ready to support and work with clients to solve legal difficulties.
Furthermore, using our service, you do not need to do the paperwork yourself, We guarantee to help you prepare documents effectively and legally.
Also, you will not have to waste time preparing the application, submitting application, or receiving results. At those stages, we will help you do it smoothly.
After all, LSX provides the service with the desire that customers can experience it the best way. Additionally, we guarantee the cost to be the most suitable and economical for customers.

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Fees for business establishment?

Application fee: 100,000 VND; company information publication fee: 300,000 VND; digital signature purchase fee (1-year package): 1,530,000 VND; company seal engraving fee: 450,000 VND; purchasing electronic invoices and issuing invoices: VND 850,000;…

How to apply for business registration?

The List of members/partners of a limited liability company/partnership; the list of founding shareholders and foreign shareholders of a joint stock company shall contain:
Firstly, full names, signatures, nationalities, mailing addresses of members/partners/founding shareholders/foreign shareholders that are individuals;
Secondly, names, EID numbers, addresses of headquarters of members/partners/founding shareholders/foreign shareholders that are organizations;
Thirdly, full names, signatures, nationalities, mailing addresses or legal representatives or authorized representatives of members/partners/founding shareholders/foreign shareholders that are organizations;
Fourthly, stakes and values thereof, holdings, types, quantities and values of assets contributed as capital, capital contribution time of each member/partner (for limited liability companies and partnerships); types and quantities of shares, holdings, types, quantities and values of assets contributed as capital, capital contribution period of each founding shareholder and foreign shareholder (for joint stock companies).

Contact LSX

Finally, hope this article is useful for you to answer the question about “”. If you need any further information, please contact  LSX Law firm+84846175333 or Email: [email protected]

Conclusion: So the above is Procedures to establish scrap company in Vietnam. Hopefully with this article can help you in life, please always follow and read our good articles on the website:

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