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  • Legal servicePrinciples of worker protection in Vietnam

    Labor standards impact labor relations in Vietnam

    Labor standards impact labor relations in Vietnam. What is the concept of labor in Vietnam? And what are the working conditions in Vietnam? Let us learn about this topic with LSX law firm as follow: What are the working conditions in Vietnam? Accordingly, working conditions are the sum total of natural, social, economic, and technical factors expressed by tools; means of work, objects of work, working environment; technological processes in a certain time and the arrangement; arrangement,…

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  • Legal serviceOverseas Vietnamese buy houses in Vietnam

    Overseas Vietnamese buy houses in Vietnam

    I am Vietnamese. I have Thai nationality, now my husband and I want to go back to Vietnam to live. So I want to buy a house to live in. What conditions do I need to have to buy a house in Vietnam? Could you please take a moment to give me the correct information that I am entitled to own a house in Vietnam? So, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Overseas…

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  • Legal knowledge


    Legal grounds Property intellectual law No. 07/VBHN-VPQH dated June 25, 2019 Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN dated February 14, 2007 1. Minimum Registration Dossier For Patent First of all, 02 Declaration for registration which are according to form No. 01-SC Appendix A of Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN; Secondly, 02 descriptions of the patent or utility solution; [a description of the patent or utility solution must satisfy the general requirements specified at Points 23.6 of Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN and must…

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  • Legal knowledge


    Legal grounds Property intellectual law No. 07/VBHN-VPQH dated June 25, 2019 Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN dated February 14, 2007 Fees and charges for industrial design registration First of all, Official charges for filing application: VND 150,000/ 01 application;Secondly, Fee for classification service VND 100,000/ 01 classification.Thirdly, Fee for examination: VND 700,000/ 01 object;Next, Fee for publication of application: VND 120,000/ 01 application;Additionally, Fee for publication application from the 2nd image onwards VND 60,000/ 01 image;Plus, Fee for…

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  • Legal knowledge


    Legal grounds Property intellectual law No. 07/VBHN-VPQH dated June 25, 2019 Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN dated February 14, 2007 1. Minimum Registration Dossier For Industrial design First of all, 02 Declarations for registration which are according to form No. 03-KDCN Appendix A of Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN;Secondly, 01 copy of the industrial design description; [a description of the industrial design description must satisfy the general requirements specified at Points 33.5 of Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN. The copy must be…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Procedures for increasing or decreasing investment capital of foreign company

    Foreign companies can increase capital contributed to the project implementation in the form of owners contributing additional capital, shareholder members contributing more capital to the company, converting borrowed capital into contributed capital and when increasing contributed capital. The implementation of the project does not require the enterprise to register to increase its charter capital; but depends on the capital use demand of the enterprise. Below are some sharing of LSX Lawfirm on procedures for increasing…

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  • Legal knowledgeProcedure for trademark assignment

    Termination of validity of trademark protection titles

    Legal grounds Property intellectual law No. 07/VBHN-VPQH dated June 25, 2019 Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN dated February 14, 2007 Actually, the termination of the validity of protection titles is due to the fact that the owner declares to relinquish the industrial property rights. Accordingly, based on the assessment result of requests for termination, the IPVN shall assess the request and decide to terminate the validity of such protection title from the date of receipt of the owner’s…

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  • Legal service

    Prove financial capacity for foreign investors in Viet Nam

    LSX Lawfirm will guide how to prove financial capacity for foreign investors when carrying out the procedures to apply for an Investment Registration Certificate for a foreign company in Vietnam for your reference. Legal grounds Investment Law 2014 When do foreign investors have to prove their financial capacity? The Investment Law 2014 stipulates that investors must comply with the registered capital contribution schedule and project implementation schedule when applying for an investment registration certificate. This…

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  • Legal serviceNew regulations employees should know in labor contracts from 2021

    New points on labor contracts with foreigners in Labor Code 2019

    New points on labor contracts with foreigners in Labor Code 2019. Regulations on conditions for foreign workers to work in Vietnam. Let us learn about this topic with LSX law firm as follow: Regulations on conditions for foreigners to work in Vietnam in Labor Code New points on labor contracts with foreigners in Labor Code 2019 Previously, in Article 169 of the Labor Code 2012; there were conditions for foreign workers to work in Vietnam as “foreign…

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  • Legal knowledgeMinimum wage for foreign workers?

    How much money can foreigners bring into Vietnam?

    When entering and exiting through international border gates in Vietnam, in addition to checking personal papers and passports; in some cases, they also have to declare the amount of cash they bring to the border gate Customs. How much money can foreigners bring into Vietnam? Let’s find out the answer with LSX Lawfirm. Legal grounds Circular 15/2011/TT-NHNN Decree 128/2020/ND-CP Criminal Law 2015 How much money can I bring when entering Vietnam? Accordingly Article 2 of…

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