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  • Legal serviceThings to know about business suspension

    Temporary suspension of business services for foreign companies

    Businesses are not always favorable. Sometimes, you need to temporarily stop doing business in a foreign company. In particular, when a foreign-invested company encounters difficulties in doing business and needs a temporary pause to resolve it, it often encounters difficulties because the procedure is not as easy as that of a Vietnamese company. Understanding this, LSX Law firm would like to introduce to you our temporary suspension of business services for foreign companies This promises…

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  • Legal knowledge

    What conditions are not needed for foreigners to buy a house in Vietnam?

    What conditions are not needed for foreigners to buy a house in Vietnam? Foreigners can buy houses in Vietnam; However, in order to buy a house, certain conditions must be met. Let’s find out in this article with LSX Law firm. The subjects are foreigners? So a foreigner means a person with the nationality of another country; who is working, studying, living in the territory of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. A Stateless person is a…

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  • Legal knowledgeProcedures for changing the representative of representative offices

    Some notes about representative offices and branches of foreign traders in Vietnam

    Many foreign traders want to know how to establish representative offices and branches in Vietnam. LSX Lawfirm will give you the article: “Some notes about representative offices and branches of foreign traders in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Enterprise Law 2020 Decree No. 07/2016/ND-CP What are the representative offices? Firstly; a representative office of an enterprise is its dependent unit which acts as the enterprise’s authorized representative, represents and protect the enterprise’s interests. A representative…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Dossier for capital contribution of foreigners to companies in Vietnam

    The following article will provide you with information about the dossier for capital contribution of foreigners to a company in Vietnam. Nowadays, the establishment of businesses is popular. Foreign investors have many ways to invest in Vietnam. Accordingly, the contribution of capital to companies in Vietnam has received more and more attention. So the question is, how does the law stipulate procedures and documents for registration of capital contribution to companies in Vietnam for foreigners? …

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  • Legal knowledge

    Procedures for foreigner’s capital contribution to a company in Vietnam

    The following article will provide you with information about the procedure for foreigners to contribute capital to a company in Vietnam. Currently, foreigners investing in Vietnam are increasing in popularity. So what is the procedures for foreigners to contribute capital to a company in Vietnam? Let’s find out in this article with LSX Law firm. Legal Ground Enterprise Law 2020 Investment Law 2020 Decree 31/2021/ND-CP What is capital contribution? So, Capital contribution is understood as the contribution…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Procedures for extension of work permits for foreigners in Vietnam.

    To work in Vietnam, foreign workers need to meet a lot of strict conditions. One of them is the requirement of the work permit; a legal document of the state which gives permission for foreign workers to work in Vietnam in a number of professions, in various cases for a limited time. After a period of working, if there’s a need to continue working; Foreign workers must apply for a work permit extension. However, how…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Naturalization of Vietnam for children whose mother is Vietnamese

    “I am a Russian citizen, I married a Vietnamese wife when she studied abroad in my country. We have a child together now and I want my child to have dual citizenship. Please advise me to naturalize my child”. LSX Lawfirm will give you some advices related to naturalization of Vietnam for children whose mother is Vietnamese, as follows: Legal grounds Law on Vietnamese nationality 2008 What is the naturalization of foreigners in Vietnam? Naturalization…

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  • Legal knowledge

    What are banned cases from getting married in Vietnam foreigners need to know?

    Hi LSX Lawfirm, I am a foreigner in Vietnam. I am 28 years old, but my girlfriend (Vietnamese) is 16 years old. In my country, we can marry. But, if we want to marry in Vietnam, what will happen? LSX Lawfirm will give you the answer based on this article: “What are banned cases from getting married in Vietnam foreigners need to know?”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on Marriage and Family 2014 What are…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Legal advice for foreigner when cohabitation as husband and wife in Vietnam

    Hi LSX Lawfirm, I am American. Before 2018, I fell in love with a Vietnamese and brought her to America. However, we are not married but live together as husband and wife. Currently, she wants to return to Vietnam. I’m very scared if this relationship breaks down. Please advise me on this case. LSX Lawfirm will answer your question based on this article: “Legal advice for foreigner when cohabitation as husband and wife in Vietnam”.…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Procedures for buying company shares in Vietnam by foreigners

    The following article will provide you with information about the procedures for buying company shares in Vietnam by foreigners. Currently, foreign investment in Vietnam is increasing. Accordingly, the acquisition of shares by foreigners in Vietnam must meet certain conditions and procedures. So how does the law regulates procedures for buying shares of a company in Vietnam by foreigners? Let’s find out in this article with LSX Law firm. Legal Ground Investment Law 2020 Investment in the…

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