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  • Legal service

    Dossiers for change of charter capital of foreign enterprises in Vietnam

    Change of charter has never been a complication issue, regarding Vietnamese enterprises. However, this is not the case when it comes to foreign enterprises in Vietnam. Therefore, in this article, LSX will give you a brief on “Dossiers for change of charter capital of foreign enterprises in Vietnam”; before entering the procedure. Legal ground 2020 Enterprise LawDecree 01/2021/ND-CP What is chater capital? Hence Clause 34, Article 4, 2020 Enterprise Law, charter capital is the total…

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  • Legal knowledge

    How to apply for a reissue of a work permit for foreigners in Vietnam?

    A Work permit is very important for Foreigners who want to work in Vietnam. After acquiring a work permit, foreigners who met the requirements can then legally work in Vietnam. But sometimes for certain reasons, foreign workers lose or damage their work permit, making it hard to prove their rights to work in Vietnam legally. To solve this issue, foreign workers or their employers need to apply for a reissue of a work permit for…

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  • Legal knowledgeHealth Insurance

    How to acquire Mandatory Health Insurance for Foreigners in Vietnam?

    Health Insurance is one of Vietnam’s Social security policies. As a matter of fact, the need for acquiring Mandatory Health Insurance for Foreigners in Vietnam is increasing as it’s getting more common for Vietnamese businesses to hire foreign workers. So, How much do foreigners have to pay for Health Insurance? How can foreigners acquire Mandatory Health Insurance in Vietnam? Let us find out this article with LSX Law firm.  Legal grounds Law on Health Insurance 2008Decision…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Procedures for birth registration for children born in Vietnam whose parents are foreigners

    When a child is born, a birth registration procedure must be carried out. Therefore, regarding this issue, LSX Lawfirm would like to share with customers according to the article: “Procedures for birth registration for children born in Vietnam whose parents are foreigners”, as follows: Legal grounds – Law on Marriage and Family 2014 – Law on Civil Status 2014 – Decree No. 123/2015/ND-CP – Circular No. 04/2020/TT-BTP What is birth registration for children born in…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Cohabitation as husband and wife between foreigner and Vietnamese

    If I am American and cohabitation as husband and wife with a Vietnamese, is it illegal? LSX Lawfirm will give you the answer in the article: “Cohabitation as husband and wife between foreigner and Vietnamese” as follows: Legal grounds Law on Marriage and Family 2014 What does Cohabitation as husband and wife mean? Cohabitation as husband and wife means a man and a woman’s organization of their living together and consideration of themselves as husband…

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  • Legal knowledge

    How old are foreigners to marry Vietnamese people?

    Hi LSX Lawfirm, I have a question. If I am 16 years old in my country, I can marry. But, if I live in Vietnam and marry Vietnamese people that he is 20 years old. Can I get married? We will give you the answer in the article: “How old are foreigners to marry Vietnamese people?” as follows: Legal grounds Law on Marriage and Family 2014 Conditions for getting married in Vietnam Law on Marriage…

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  • Legal service

    Regulation on open and use a direct investment capital account

    Hence the development of the economy, Vietnam is constantly attracting foreign investors; while keep making changes and improvements in the investment regulations for more convenience and security towards the investors. The regulation on direct investment capital account is one of the improvements that the Vietnamese government offer. Therefore, in this article, LSX will give you an introduction on “Regulation on open and use a direct investment capital account”. Legal grounds Circular 06/2019/TT-NHNN What is a…

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  • Legal service

    Investment procedure in the form of PPP contracts under Vietnamese Law

    When talking about public investment, a PPP contract is a common solution; especially in a time where the Vietnamese government is constantly making changes to attract foreign investment. Therefore, in this article, LSX will look into the Investment procedure in the form of PPP contracts under Vietnamese Law. Legal grounds 2020 Investment LawDecree 118/2015/ND-CPCircular 02/2016/TT-BKHDT Competent state agency to sign the PPP contracts Accordingly, ministries, branches, and provincial-level People’s Committees shall sign project contracts within…

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  • Legal service

    Investment registration procedures for PPP projects in Vietnam

    The form of public-private partnership investment or commonly known as PPP is a fairly popular form of investment in many countries around the world; especially in developing countries like Vietnam. However, PPP differs from other investment methods; with one party to the contract is the State, which creates a few changes to the registration procedure. Therefore, in this article, LSX will give you a look at the “Investment registration procedures for PPP projects in Vietnam”.…

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  • Legal service

    Dossier for investment registration in the form of PPP projects in Vietnam

    Hence PPP projects appear to be fairly different from other forms of investment, understanding its registration procedure is crucial. Therefore, this article will give you a list of the dossier for investment registration in the form of PPP projects which you might need to prepare. Legal ground Circular 06/2016/TT-BKHDT What is PPP project? Thus the Circular 06/2016/TT-BKHDT, a PPP project is a collection of proposals related to investment to provide public products or services through…

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