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  • Legal serviceregulations on organizing overtime work

    Regulations on organizing overtime work under Vietnamese Law

    Accordingly, the need to ask people to work overtime to ensure the nature of the work does not have to spend time and money recruiting new personnel is a famous method. However, because hiring workers to work overtime outside office hours directly affects the health of workers. Therefore, it is not always nice to work overtime. So, what are the regulations on organizing overtime work under Vietnamese Law? Let’s find out with LSX! Legal ground…

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  • Legal serviceOwner's rights to property under Viet Nam law

    Regulations on the form of salary payment under Vietnamese Law

    Accordingly, how do businesses usually pay employees? Pay by time, by product, or by package…? The following article will give you information on the “Regulations on the form of salary payment under Vietnamese Law”. Legal ground 2019 Labor Code What is salary? Hence Article 90 of the 2019 Labor Code; the salary regulations are as follows: Article 90. Salary Wage is the amount that the employer pays the employee under an agreement to perform the…

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  • Legal serviceregulations on base salary

    Regulations on base salary under Vietnamese law

    “If you work, you will eat” – a saying that is not difficult to understand how important it is to each person to receive a salary. However, the issue surrounding the two words “salary” also has many terms around. In fact, one of those terms is base salary. So, what are the regulations on base salary under Vietnamese law? Let’s find out with LSX! Legal grounds Labor Code 2019Decree 38/2019/ND-CPResolution 70/2018/QH14 What is base salary?…

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  • Legal knowledgepenalty for not declaring temporary residence

    What is the penalty for not declaring temporary residence in Vietnam?

    Accordingly, temporary residence registration is a mandatory obligation of citizens when moving to a new place other than their home. Thus, with the rising amount of foreigners residing in Vietnam, it is vital for the state agencies to keep up with the information. So, what is the penalty for not declaring temporary residence in Vietnam? Let’s find out with LSX in this article! Legal grounds Residence Law 2006 amended and supplemented in 2013Decree No. 167/2013/ND-CPLaw…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on apartment ownership period in Vietnam 2021

    Regulations on apartment ownership period in Vietnam 2021

    Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Regulations on apartment ownership period in Vietnam 2021”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on Housing 2014 Regulations on apartment ownership period in Vietnam 2021 Specifically, the policy on home ownership will amend and supplement the following contents: Regarding the conditions for being recognized as house ownership: Reviewing regulations on conditions for recognition of house ownership (in which, research on amending and supplementing regulations on conditions for…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for approval of construction planning project in Vietnam

    Procedures for approval of construction planning project in Vietnam

    Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Procedures for approval of construction planning project in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on the construction 2014 Decree No. 44/2015/ND-CP Assessment and approval agencies in Vietnam Firstly, the Ministry of Construction, People’s committees of provinces shall be responsible for making submission of the tasks; and construction planning project to the Prime Minister for approval. Secondly, organizer of construction planning shall be responsible for making submission…

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  • Legal serviceLevels of rural planning in Vietnam

    Levels of rural planning in Vietnam

    Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Levels of rural planning in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on the construction 2014 Objects of rural planning in Vietnam Rural planning shall be carried out for communes and rural residential quarters. Rural residential quarter means an area where many households bound together in their production, daily life and other social activities within a specific zone formed on the basis of natural conditions, socio-economic conditions,…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on health insurance premiums of foreigners

    Regulations on health insurance premiums of foreigners in Vietnam

    Accordingly, payment of health insurance for foreigners is an important issue for many businesses when the use of foreign workers is increasingly popular. So, what are the regulations on health insurance premiums of foreigners in Vietnam? Let’s find out with LSX in this article! Legal grounds Law on Health Insurance 2008 (amended and supplemented 2014)Decision 595/QD-BHXH Can foreigners participate in health insurance? The current health insurance law stipulates the following subjects: This law applies to…

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  • Legal serviceDoes the company have to pay health insurance

    Dossier for buying compulsory health insurance for foreigners

    Accordingly, in Vietnam, having health insurance is a legal right; which is especially important to many foreigners that reside here. So, what is the dossier for buying compulsory health insurance for foreigners? Let’s find out with LSX in this article! Legal grounds Law on Health Insurance 2008 (amended and supplemented 2014)Decision 595/QD-BHXHDecree 146/2018/ND-CP What is health insurance? Hence the provision of law, health insurance is a form of compulsory insurance applying to the subjects specified…

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  • Legal serviceprocedures for buying compulsory health insurance

    Procedures for buying compulsory health insurance for foreigners

    Accordingly, health insurance is one of the social security policies in Vietnam. Especially, paying health insurance for foreigners is an important issue for many businesses when the use of foreign workers is increasingly popular. So, what are the procedures for buying compulsory health insurance for foreigners? Let’s find out with LSX! Legal grounds Law on Health Insurance 2008 (amended and supplemented 2014)Decision 595/QD-BHXHDecree 146/2018/ND-CP What is health insurance? Hence the provision of law, health insurance…

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