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  • Legal serviceProcedures for setting up a foreign-owned enterprise/company account for 1% to 100% in Vietnam

    Procedures for setting up a foreign-owned enterprise/company account for 1% to 100% in Vietnam

    How to establish a foreign-invested company? Let’s learn about investment procedures and procedures for establishing foreign-invested companies (FDI enterprises) in Vietnam. LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Procedures for setting up a foreign-owned enterprise/company account for 1% to 100% in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on enterprises 2020 Law on investment 2020 What is foreign investment enterprise? Firstly, a foreign enterprise holding 51% or more of the charter capital of an enterprise…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for applying for labor subleasing operation license in Vietnam

    Investment Registration Certificate Renewal Service in Vietnam

    Investment registration certificate is a document, an electronic copy recording the investor’s registration information about an investment project. The project’s operation term is one of the compulsory contents recorded on the investment registration certificate. Therefore, when the project has a change in the term of operation, namely, if it wants to be extended, the investor must carry out the procedure for adjusting the Investment Registration Certificate, also known as the Procedure for Renewing the Investment…

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  • Legal serviceService of applying for an investment registration certificate in Vietnam

    Service of applying for an investment registration certificate in Vietnam

    Business investment is the investment by an investor to carry out business activities. Investors can participate in the establishment of economic organizations; so investment, capital contribution, purchase of shares and contributed capital of economic organizations; investment in the form of a contract or implementation of an investment project. LSX Lawfirm wil give you an article about: “Service of applying for an investment registration certificate in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on enterprises 2020 Law…

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  • Legal service

    Some notes on inheritance with foreign elements

    The Law on Housing 2014 stipulates that foreigners can not to buy real estate in Vietnam, but they can still own lands but must follow legal procedures. What is some notes on inheritance with foreign elements? Let’s find out this question with LSX Law firm. Legal grounds  Law on Housing 2014 Civil Law 2015 Inheritance with foreign elements In the context of strong international integration today; many social relations go beyond the scope of the…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Inheritance with foreign elements in Viet Nam

    The Law on Housing 2014 stipulates that foreigners can not to buy real estate in Vietnam, but they can still own lands but must follow legal procedures. So what is inheritance with foreign elements in Viet Nam? Let’s find out this question with LSX Law firm. Legal grounds  Law on Housing 2014 Civil Law 2015 Inheritance with foreign elements In the context of strong international integration today; many social relations go beyond the scope of…

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  • Legal serviceThe legal representative of a one-member limited liability company in Vietnam

    The legal representative of a one-member limited liability company in Vietnam

    LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “The legal representative of a one-member limited liability company in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on enterprises 2020 Legal representative of the enterprise Accordingly, the legal representative of an enterprise is an individual; who represents the enterprise to exercise the rights and obligations arising from the transaction of the enterprise; and represents the enterprise as a plaintiff; defendant; a related rights and obligations before the Arbitrator,…

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  • Legal serviceWhich cases does the State not collect land use levy in Vietnam?

    Which cases does the State not collect land use levy in Vietnam?

    Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Which cases does the State not collect land use levy in Vietnam?”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on land 2013 Some definitions about the state granting land use Accordingly, The State allocates land use rights (below referred to as the State allocates land) means that the State issues decisions on land allocation to grant land use rights to subjects having land use demand. Then, (below referred…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Trademark Protection in Vietnam

    Let learn the most basic and fundamental issues of trademark protection with LSX Legal grounds: Property intellectual law No. 07/VBHN-VPQH dated June 25, 2019 Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN dated February 14, 2007 Definition of trademark in Vietnam Legally, trademark means any sign used to distinguish goods or services of different organizations or individuals. Specifically, signs eligible for being registered as trademarks must be visible ones in the form of letters, numerals, words, pictures, images, including three-dimensional images or…

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  • Legal serviceProhibited acts in animal husbandry in Vietnam

    Prohibited acts in animal husbandry in Vietnam

    Many livestock investors want to know more about this activity in Vietnam. LSX Lawfirm will give you an article related to: “Prohibited acts in animal husbandry in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on investment 2020 Law on animal husbandry 2018 Decree No. 13/2020/ND-CP Some definitions about animal husbandry in Vietnam “Animal husbandry” means a combined economic-technical branch including activities related to livestock breeds, animal feeds, livestock breeding and processing conditions and market of animal…

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  • Legal serviceConditions for livestock farm animal husbandry business in Vietnam

    Conditions for livestock farm animal husbandry business in Vietnam

    In Vietnam, animal husbandry belongs to the group of industries accounting for a large proportion. Therefore, many foreign investors have the need to open businesses or contribute capital here. Farm animal husbandry business is a business line in the list of conditional business investment lines specified in Appendix IV of the Investment Law 2020. Together with LSX Lawfirm learn the provisions of the law on business conditions in article: “Conditions for livestock farm animal husbandry…

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